How to Purchase Biofeedback Machines

How to Purchase Biofeedback Machines

Since there are many different types of Biofeedback techniques, there a variety of Biofeedback machines available to purchase. The theory behind Biofeedback is that we can train our body's involuntary muscles to react to certain conditions. The Biofeedback machines available to purchase for home use work the same way the practitioners' do. The machines relay information in real time about your body temperature, your brainwave patterns, your muscle tension or heart/respiration rates. Biofeedback techniques have been developed to treat conditions ranging from attention disorders to incontinence. You can purchase Biofeedback machines for use at home; but the high costs can be prohibitive. Many therapists suggest getting a simple machine that only measures one system, like your heart rate or temperature, to minimize costs of continuing your therapy at home. Follow these steps to purchase a machine you can afford comfortably.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Purchase Biofeedback Machines


Get a diagnosis of your condition. Ask your health care practitioner about the feasibility of biofeedback therapy for that condition.


Find out before you start your therapy what projection your therapist has for your course of treatment. Knowing the time frame necessary for your biofeedback to have impact on your condition will help determine the need to purchase biofeedback machines. The longer the course of treatment, the more you should invest in renting or purchasing biofeedback machines.


Ask your therapist for a recommendation on what machines to lease or purchase to continue your treatments at home, if necessary.


Find out whether buying these machines is covered by your insurance. If not, ask about the possibility of renting from a medical supply company. Try having your medical doctor write a letter stating medical necessity for the device and outlining the possible adverse outcomes for your condition if you don't get it. Insurance companies play the odds. If they think you'll cost them less by providing the equipment than by not providing, they may waive their policy and cover the machine.

Tips & Warnings

There are several different machines available, all geared toward different types of treatments for different conditions. Before making a purchase, make sure you have a solid diagnosis and that you're comfortable with the recommended plan for Biofeedback therapy.

Keep in mind that alternative therapies like Biofeedback are not a substitute for medical care if you have a serious illness or injury. If your condition worsens in any way, contact your medical doctor immediately.

How to Promote Self Healing With the Alexander Technique

How to Promote Self Healing With the Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique focuses on self healing and the promotion of general well-being through self management. Practitioners give lessons designed to promote a level of self awareness deemed necessary for stopping the misuse of the body and eliminating a full range of problems associated with this misuse. The Alexander Technique is said to be an option for managing pain, difficult movement, stress and poor posture. It is even said to help with certain medical conditions, such as asthma and arthritis.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Learn About the Alexander Technique's Role in Self Healing


Know that the Alexander Technique is said to help promote recovery from a wide range of medical conditions, including those affecting the back, hip and neck.


Recognize that the Alexander Technique may help in preventing and recovering from repetitive stress and traumatic injuries.


Understand that the Alexander Technique is said to help with disorders involving balance and coordination. It may also be helpful for those suffering from muscle spasms and arthritis.


Consider the Alexander Technique for dealing with asthma, migraines and sleep disorders. It may also be helpful for managing stress-related conditions, including panic attacks.


Learn more about the Alexander Technique and find a teacher to promote your self healing by visiting the American Society for the Alexander Technique Web site (see Resources below).

Locate an Alexander Technique Practitioner Near You


Go to the Web site of the American Society for the Alexander Technique.


Position your mouse on the "Find A Teacher" link and click on it.


Choose a teacher who provides instruction in your area.

Tips & Warnings

Though there are books and online courses for learning the Alexander Technique on your own, having a teacher to guide you may be helpful. As many habits are unconscious, you may benefit from having a teacher observe you and guide you in becoming more aware of your body and tension points.

While you can find books and some online Alexander Technique classes at budget prices, you should expect mid-level pricing for one-on-one lessons.

Self healing should not replace the advice and assistance of a qualified medical professional when serious illnesses or conditions are involved. In such cases, it may be wise to use the Alexander Technique as a supplement to your doctor's care, instead of a replacement for it.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Promote Self Healing With Apothecary Products

How to Promote Self Healing With Apothecary Products

Self healing is what apothecary products are all about. The apothecary can use his or her knowledge of herbs and natural treatments to sell you a product that could improve your health. But it's your own body that does the healing. Follow these steps to learn how to promote self-healing.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Valid credit card

How To Promote Self Healing With Apothecary Products Bought Online


Know that apothecaries have existed for thousands of years. They were pharmacists, herbalists, and doctors. From the hundreds of jars in their shops, and sometimes from gardens of herbs they grew themselves, they had something that could help you heal.


Remember that "apothecary" can be used to describe many different products. Herbs, soaps, candles, cosmetics, perfumes and cosmetics are sold by different apothecaries. In addition, the products you need may be sold by an herbal or natural health Web site that doesn't call itself an apothecary.


Find a world of herbal, natural, and alternative treatments on the Internet. There are many different apothecary-related sites on the Web. From places that specialize in
products to drugstores that create customized medicines, all can call themselves apothecaries. You have to find the ones that have products you need. Visit the "Old World Apothecary" Web site (see Resources below) to find the alternative medicines you want.

How To Promote Self Healing With Apothecary Products Bought Locally


Ask for help. Apothecaries follow a tradition of knowing all the properties and uses of their products as well as which ones to recommend to customers. Don't be afraid to talk to the apothecary.


Heal yourself by learning about healing products. You may be used to taking whatever drugs your doctor prescribes, but with natural and herbal products you should know what you are taking. Take a class online or at a local resource, a community college or learning center.

Tips & Warnings

Self healing doesn't mean doing it all without help. Your apothecary or herb supplier should be willing to give you instructions or refer you to information about your treatment. Make sure you know what you're doing.

Apothecary remedies are generally inexpensive to moderately priced.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. If you decide to try pursue an apothecary-advised treatment, consult your primary health care provider. Keep your doctor informed about the treatment you undertake. Major illnesses like heart disease or cancer should be treated under the supervision of a doctor.

How to Prioritize Problems for Hypnotherapy

How to Prioritize Problems for Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy puts you in a deep state of relaxation and encourages you to change your habits. You're choosing new ways of being and thinking, thus changing those typical patterns and behaviors that have plagued you in the past. Whether it's sleep walking, bulimia, depression or a gambling addiction, hypnotherapy can address them all.


Examine your life and figure out what type of stresses you're suffering from. Perhaps a crying baby keeps you awake every night. Or, you have an addiction of some sort.


Ask yourself what negative feelings are holding you back. It could be stress or anxiety from work, self esteem issues or maybe an obsession with a relationship.


Make a list of what your feeling and how it's affecting you from being the best you can be. Decide what you want to focus on with the hypnotherapist.


Meet with a hypnotherapist. She will ask you questions about your past to determine how the problem culminated.


Develop an initial relationship with the hypnotherapist. It's very important that you feel comfortable with her.


Sit for the first therapy session with the hypnotherapist. She will speak softly to put you in an altered state of consciousness. Discuss your feelings afterward.

Tips & Warnings

Find a hypnotherapist you feel comfortable with. If after the initial meeting, you would rather try someone else, go ahead and make an appointment with another hypnotherapist.

How to Make a Natural Antiseptic Salve

How to Make a Natural Antiseptic Salve

Natural herbal salves are an excellent skin care treatment, as they can soothe and heal skin, prevent infection and double as an aromatic perfume or cologne. Making a natural antiseptic salve is simple and easy, and can be used to prevent infections, can heal dry, chapped skin and lips or can be used daily by men or women for a light and natural scent.

Things You'll Need:


Sweet almond oil

Jojoba oil

Canola oil

Double boiler

Patchouli essential oil

Bergamot essential oil

Chamomile essential oil

Eucalyptus essential oil

4 (1 oz.) salve jars or 2 baby food jars


Combine 2 oz. of beeswax, 3 oz. of sweet almond oil, 1 oz. of jojoba oil and 1/2 oz. of canola oil in a double boiler. Heat the ingredients until the beeswax is thoroughly melted.


Allow the mixture to cool slightly and check the consistency. If you would like your salve to be a bit thicker, return the mixture to the double boiler, reheat and add a bit more beeswax. If you would like the salve to be thiner, simple add a bit more almond oil.


Let the mixture thicken to your desired consistency and remove it from the heat, once again allowing the ingredients to cool slightly. While still warm but not hot, add ten drops of patchouli essential oil, ten drops of bergamot essential oil, ten drops of chamomile essential oil and ten drops of eucalyptus essential oil. All of the essential oils listed above have strong antiseptic properties as well as gentle pleasant aromas.


Stir the ingredients thoroughly and pour your natural antiseptic salve into jars while it is still warm. Allow the salve to cool completely before sealing the jars.

Tips & Warnings

If you prefer a less minty scent, you may replace the eucalyptus with orange or caraway essential oil.

Apart from having powerful and natural antiseptic qualities, your salve can be used to soothe dry itchy skin, applied to the neck and wrists for a heavenly perfume or cologne or used as a healing lip balm.

How to Wear a Wool Scarf

How to Wear a Wool Scarf

You often see beautiful wool scarves for sale in boutiques and department stores. However, some women have difficulty knowing how to wear these scarves. Wearing a wool scarf can add individuality and creativity to your wardrobe. They are simple to tie and wear if you follow a few easy tips.

Things You'll Need:

Large light-weight wool scarf, about 6 feet long by 2 1/2 or 3 feet wide

Wear a Wool Scarf Around Your Middle


Wrap the scarf behind your back, making sure the middle of the scarf is aligned with the middle of your back.


Bring the two ends of your wool scarf around your body. Double check to make sure both sides are even. Tie the ends in a small knot at your breastbone.


Let the two ends of your scarf drape down gracefully for a one-of-a-kind wrap. Enjoy wearing your scarf in a truly unique fashion.

Wear Your Wool Scarf Diagonally


Start with your wool scarf behind your back. Pull it further to the right, so you have enough length to toss the right end of the scarf over your shoulder with the end reaching across your back and around your side.


Wrap the left end around your waist. Tie the two ends together in an knot at your hip and let the edge hang gracefully at your side.


Enjoy all the complements you will receive for wearing your scarf in this flattering style.

Tips & Warnings

However you choose to wear your wool scarf, be sure to stand up straight and proud. This makes any way of wearing your scarf even more beautiful.

How to Wear a White T-Shirt

How to Wear a White T-Shirt

If there's one "must have" piece in your entire wardrobe, it would probably be your white t-shirt. This is such a great, basic item that can go everywhere, with everything. Here are some tips to help you wear a white t-shirt with real flair.

Things You'll Need:

White t-shirt

Flesh-colored bra

Jogging suit




Velvet blazer


Long skirt

Peasant skirt

Short and long necklaces


Pick a white t-shirt made of high quality cotton or in a spandex and lycra blend for a nice fit.


Look for a deep neckline that is flattering and feminine.


Make sure the t-shirt hugs your curves without showing bulges or being too revealing.


Try shorter t-shirts untucked, or longer t-shirts that peak beneath a sweater or give a tunic effect under a cropped jacket.


Wear a flesh-toned bra that doesn't show underneath.


Pair your t-shirt with a jogging suit for a comfortable weekend look.


Wear your t-shirt out to lunch with friends with jeans and a cardigan over it.


Raise the style factor by putting on colored corduroys and layering a long sweater with a deep v-neck on top of the t-shirt.


Dress a t-shirt up with a fitted short skirt or a long skirt.


Slip on a velvet blazer over a t-shirt with nice slacks for a professional, classic look.


Add short or long necklaces over a white t-shirt, or a combination of both lengths, and put on a peasant skirt for a boho effect.

Tips & Warnings

Wash your white t-shirt separately to be sure it doesn't absorb dye from other clothing.

Use a whitening treatment in your washing machine to keep the starkness of the white.

Try variations of white, or cream, to get a color that looks good against your skin tone.

Avoid over-sized white t-shirts. These can often look sloppy instead of fashionable.

How to Wear a White Dress

How to Wear a White Dress

There's something so clean and modern about wearing a white dress, yet the look is classic at the same time. If you want to wear a white dress and look great, here are some tips to help you carry it off in style.

Things You'll Need:

White dress

Nude slip

Flesh-colored bra

No line panties




Opt for a white dress that is well cut and of nice quality fabric.


Remember that white shows everything, so you want to be sure your dress fits just right.


Wear a nude slip underneath, as most white dresses are sheer in the sunlight.


Make sure your bra and panties are nude and don't show any lines.


Look for sandals in a complimentary tone to set off your dress. Try bronze, gold or silver for a rich effect.


Choose a handbag or clutch in a deep color (such as coral, rose or aqua) to add some personality to your outfit and keep it from being too bland.


Let your style shine through in the jewelry you choose. A turquoise necklace, layered gold chains or an opal pendant are just a few suggestions that would make a statement.


Use self-tanner to give your skin a little glow and show off the white dress to its full advantage.


Change the look of a white dress by adding a wide black belt, a cardigan sweater or a patterned scarf.

Tips & Warnings

Put on your makeup before you slip into your dress so you don't stain it.

Select accessories that are simple, not frilly, to prevent your white dress from giving off a bridal vibe.

Make sure you're not showing more than you intended by checking your back view in a 3-way mirror.

How to Wear a Vintage Swing Dress

How to Wear a Vintage Swing Dress

A vintage swing dress can easily become a show-stopping ensemble for a special event, and will show off your feminine figure with its classic style. Vintage swing dresses can flatter almost any body type, and are perfect for a night on the town, a special
, or when you're hosting an event. When you want to step out with a unique look, consider wearing a vintage swing dress for the occasion; here's how to sport this classy look.

Things You'll Need:

Vintage dress

Mary Jane pumps

Matching clutch

Hair accessories


Put your hair up! Show off your neckline in a swing dress with a cute updo that flatters and frames your face. This is even more important if you plan on doing some swing dancing for the night.


Accessorize with a cute clutch. Patent leather, suede or a simple canvas clutch with a vintage twist will help pull your vintage ensemble together. Plan to match your clutch with your shoes.


Finish off the look with Mary Janes. Mary Jane pumps, stilettos or wedge heels are perfect for the vintage swing dress, and can add an even more feminine twist to your outfit. Look for patent leather or fabric-covered styles for a sweet and chic ensemble.


Wear a brooch or pin. Adding a vintage brooch or pin is a great way to add the finishing touches to your outfit.


Head out with a scarf or bolero jacket. Cover up your arms in a short-sleeve or sleeveless dress with a light scarf or matching bolero jacket.

Tips & Warnings

Go for neutral and classic color palettes for makeup

Add a pair of drop earrings and matching necklace to really dress up your look

Wear your dress with a vintage cocktail ring

Don't overdo makeup; let the focal point be the dress and your accessories

How to Wear a Velvet Skirt

How to Wear a Velvet Skirt

Next time you have a special occasion, consider wearing a velvet skirt. You can find a wide variety of classic velvet skirts in short and long lengths. Whichever look you prefer, slip one on and step out in style.

Things You'll Need:

Short velvet skirt

Long velvet skirt






Halter top


Try a long velvet skirt for a special event or holiday. Opt for a short velvet skirt for dinner out or a cocktail party.


Look for classic velvets in black or rich brown, or choose more eye-catching colors, including red, plum or navy velvet. Make a short velvet skirt appropriate for work by adding tights and a turtleneck and casual wool blazer.


Dress up a short-velvet skirt with a silk blouse and long gold chains. Wear a long velvet skirt with a beaded halter top.


Choose a velvet skirt with an elastic waistband for a comfortable fit that will still look dressy. Select a velvet skirt that fits you perfectly, or have one tailored to your shape. Consider wide-leg velvet pants for a versatile alternative.


Tone down a long velvet skirt by wearing it with a silk or polished cotton t-shirt or wrap sweater top. Shop for a velvet skirt that has a ruffle, embroidered waistband or other special accents.


Keep accessories to a minimum, so the velvet skirt will take center stage in your outfit.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid wearing a velvet top with a velvet skirt. This combination can look like you are wearing pajamas if you aren't careful.