How to Prioritize Problems for Hypnotherapy

How to Prioritize Problems for Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy puts you in a deep state of relaxation and encourages you to change your habits. You're choosing new ways of being and thinking, thus changing those typical patterns and behaviors that have plagued you in the past. Whether it's sleep walking, bulimia, depression or a gambling addiction, hypnotherapy can address them all.


Examine your life and figure out what type of stresses you're suffering from. Perhaps a crying baby keeps you awake every night. Or, you have an addiction of some sort.


Ask yourself what negative feelings are holding you back. It could be stress or anxiety from work, self esteem issues or maybe an obsession with a relationship.


Make a list of what your feeling and how it's affecting you from being the best you can be. Decide what you want to focus on with the hypnotherapist.


Meet with a hypnotherapist. She will ask you questions about your past to determine how the problem culminated.


Develop an initial relationship with the hypnotherapist. It's very important that you feel comfortable with her.


Sit for the first therapy session with the hypnotherapist. She will speak softly to put you in an altered state of consciousness. Discuss your feelings afterward.

Tips & Warnings

Find a hypnotherapist you feel comfortable with. If after the initial meeting, you would rather try someone else, go ahead and make an appointment with another hypnotherapist.