How to Promote Self Healing With Apothecary Products

How to Promote Self Healing With Apothecary Products

Self healing is what apothecary products are all about. The apothecary can use his or her knowledge of herbs and natural treatments to sell you a product that could improve your health. But it's your own body that does the healing. Follow these steps to learn how to promote self-healing.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Valid credit card

How To Promote Self Healing With Apothecary Products Bought Online


Know that apothecaries have existed for thousands of years. They were pharmacists, herbalists, and doctors. From the hundreds of jars in their shops, and sometimes from gardens of herbs they grew themselves, they had something that could help you heal.


Remember that "apothecary" can be used to describe many different products. Herbs, soaps, candles, cosmetics, perfumes and cosmetics are sold by different apothecaries. In addition, the products you need may be sold by an herbal or natural health Web site that doesn't call itself an apothecary.


Find a world of herbal, natural, and alternative treatments on the Internet. There are many different apothecary-related sites on the Web. From places that specialize in
products to drugstores that create customized medicines, all can call themselves apothecaries. You have to find the ones that have products you need. Visit the "Old World Apothecary" Web site (see Resources below) to find the alternative medicines you want.

How To Promote Self Healing With Apothecary Products Bought Locally


Ask for help. Apothecaries follow a tradition of knowing all the properties and uses of their products as well as which ones to recommend to customers. Don't be afraid to talk to the apothecary.


Heal yourself by learning about healing products. You may be used to taking whatever drugs your doctor prescribes, but with natural and herbal products you should know what you are taking. Take a class online or at a local resource, a community college or learning center.

Tips & Warnings

Self healing doesn't mean doing it all without help. Your apothecary or herb supplier should be willing to give you instructions or refer you to information about your treatment. Make sure you know what you're doing.

Apothecary remedies are generally inexpensive to moderately priced.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. If you decide to try pursue an apothecary-advised treatment, consult your primary health care provider. Keep your doctor informed about the treatment you undertake. Major illnesses like heart disease or cancer should be treated under the supervision of a doctor.